
Berwick Construction Finalises

Berwick Nissan is completing construction this month. Chipper Constructions have done an excellent job at completing the project despite an amazing amount of rain in the past 8 months. The bondor and solartubes look amazing and the amount of natural light in the building needs to be seen to be belived.


Green Star Accreditation

Ardent Architects now has two registered GSAP's (Green Star Accredited Professionals) to aid our clients in delivering Green Star rated and ESD conscious projects.  





Berwick Nissan Nearing Completion

Berwick Nissan is nearing completion. Chipper Constructions have doing a fantastic job of rapidly moving the project along amidst torrential rain. The insulated panel construction (Bondor Equitilt and Equidek) is looking amazing with a very clean and neat finish.



Berwick Nissan Update

Berwick Nissan is now well underway with Chipper Construction keeping a great pace even with all of the rain on site to contend with. The aim is for a fully functioning dealership to open February 2012.



Passing of a Genius

We were saddened to learn this morning that Steve Jobs has passed. He was a visionary who changed the way that we interface with technology and raised the level of use of technology in everyones lives.

There isn't a day that goes bye that we aren't thankful for our Iphones and amazed at what a contribution they make to our business and personal lives on so many levels.